Friday, February 24, 2017

Dogs Who Saved Their Owners From The World Trade Center

Fire Safety Services St. Petersburg FL

This incredible story takes place on September 11th, 2001 at the World Trade Center. A horrific terrorist attack left both towers burning and ready to collapse. On the 78th floor of one of the towers sat a blind man named Michael Hingson. This was only 18 floors below where the airplane impacted. Fortunately for Michael, he had his trusty companion (and seeing-eye dog), Roselle.

Voted the American Hero Dog of the Year, Roselle safely guided Michael down 78 stories to safety! Let that sink in for a second. 1,463 steps. With debris falling on both of them, panic all around them, and no idea how to navigate the building, Roselle made it. This amazing story shows just how intelligent dogs are and the role they can play in someone's life.

And this wasn't the only heroic canine in the tower on 9/11. You may have heard a similar story about Sparky and his owner on the 71st floor. After refusing to leave his owner, Omar's side, Sparky and Omar's supervisor helped lead him to safety. About halfway down, one of Omar's coworkers attempted to take Sparky's lead and the dog refused to leave his owner's side. This just goes to show you that dog's really are man's best friend.

Both of these canines received the Dickin's Medal for their bravery and service. Most human's could not remain as calm as these dogs were. This is why it's important to have a fire safety plan in place for your business and home. A To Z Fire in Tampa FL can help, just contact us today by visiting our website:

Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Make A Fire Escape Plan

Fire Protection Services Tampa FL |

When you're making your fire escape plan, it's essential that you do a few things. By following these guidelines you will ensure that your fire escape plan is effective. For starters, you need to have smoke alarms installed in your house. This is your first line of defense against a house fire and by having these in place, you decrease your chance of death to less than half. Make sure that you have them on each floor of the building, as well as in each room and hallway. Most systems currently being installed are linked together so that if one alarm goes off, all of them do. Having a working fire-warning system is essential.

Now you need to assess the safest escape route from each room in the house. You can determine which route is the safest by looking for a few things. Which path is the quickest way out? What could go wrong that would make the route unsafe? Can you ensure that the path is safe? Usually you would use the windows in your house, because you can completely avoid the fire. If your house has multiple floors, you will need to have safety ladders placed near each window. Always have TWO routes out of each room just in case the first route doesn't work.

Plan for everything, and don't leave out any details. Are there any members of the household with mobility issues? If there are, someone will need to include assisting them outside safely to their escape plan. Is your house number visible from the street? Making it easy for firefighters to find your home will help substantially. Where will everyone meet in the case that you can't communicate during the escape? There needs to be a meeting place located a safe distance from the house where everyone will meet.

All in all, it all comes down to proper planning and practice. Have your family go over the plan to a point where they clearly understand their plan as well as each family member's plan. Your family must practice this escape plan at least twice a year to make sure it is fresh on their mind. Ideally you will do a drill while everyone is asleep so that their reactions are authentic. If you're looking for a fire alarm installation company in Tampa FL to assist you with your alarm system, look no further than A To Z Fire. We will make sure that your family has a functioning fire alarm system, so you can have peace of mind. Our contact information is as follows:

Phone: (813)-350-0665

Pinellas Location: 1035 Highland Avenue NE, Largo, Florida 33770
Hillsborough Location: 4412 West Osborne Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33614

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Making Sure Your Business Is Ready For A Fire Code Inspection

Is your business about to be inspected for fire code compliance? Preparing for this will give you the comfort of knowing that you will not have any issues on the day of the inspection. Failure to comply to all of these codes can possibly result in your business being closed or fined. This is why it's best to have a professional fire inspection company come out and assist you ahead of time. We can assist you here by going over some of the most common fire codes you need to obey.

Fire Extinguishers

Did you know that you must have a fire extinguisher for every 2000 sq. feet in your place of business? Many business owners don't know this, which is why it's important to follow this prior to a fire inspection. Of course this varies based on what you sell. A business that sells gasoline will need more fire extinguishers than a business that sells non-flammable goods.

Visible Plans, Signs, and Alarms

It is essential that your employees have access to your fire escape plan. In case of an emergency, your employees will need to be able to use it to safely escape. This is why you should have posters and handbooks available that outline the steps to take in case of a fire. You should also ensure that you have all the required signs (such as 'Maximum Occupancy' or 'This Door Must Remain Unlocked During Business Hours'). This all depends on many conditions, which is why it's best to have a professional come out ahead of time.

Working Fire Safety Equipment

There is no point in having fire safety equipment installed if it doesn't work. Most fire code inspections will require you to provide documentation proving that you had this equipment inspected in the last year. The equipment can include alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers. Have a professional come at least once every year to inspect these systems.

Safe Electrical Usage

It is your job to make sure that your company does not use dangerous methods of electricity access. This means having surge protectors for all of your outlets, metal covers on all electrical systems, etc. Fire inspectors will undoubtedly check your wiring to make sure that you aren't using unsafe methods. Once again, your best bet is to have a fire inspection company come out ahead of time to go over all of the applicable codes.

All in all, it is always best to hire a professional for this job. They will have knowledge of fire safety codes, the fire code inspection process, and more. If you are in the Tampa FL area and have a fire code inspection coming up, call A To Z Fire for any assistance you may need with preparing. We will make sure you are good to go. Visit us online at